The 12th Awards Ceremony of the Taiwan Machine Tool Industry Awards for Excellence in Research and Innovation or “Award of Eminence” was submitted to Leadwell CNC Machines MFG., Corp. for their CNC Lathe TM 1500. This is a multi-tasking machine that will mill, turn or do both simultaneously and can achieve heavy cutting for the production job shop as well as curved surface milling used in the Aerospace industry.
Latest news focused on productivity and operation ease
Check the latest advances that Fagor Automation has applied to their products to simplify user tasks, offer accuracy never seen before and improve machine productivity with our CNCs and Feedback Systems.
We are launching a new design of Fagor Automation website
We have been implementing a lot of changes since we first launched our website. This time, we present to you Fagor Automation’s new home page. We hope you like it!
“Fagor CNCs are our guarantee of quality”
Founded in 2006, Tecnijusta is a company specialized in technical mold making for plastic injection. Tecnijusa exports mainly to Portugal, Spain, France, Germany and Brazil.
Fagor linear encoders with 0.01 micron resolution and digital interface
Fagor continues applying a permanent improvement process to its products to raise their quality for our customers. The latest advances in optical and electronic technology implemented have made it possible to obtain 0.01 micron resolution in our absolute digital linear encoders.