Renishaw adds probing and inspection solutions for Fagor CNCs
Fagor Automation has announced the ability to interface with Renishaw software. While the capability to interface and operate with Renishaw Probing Systems has always been a standard feature of Fagor CNC Systems, the Fagor CNC now work with Renishaw software programs for a broad host of applications.
Of principle note is the Renishaw “Inspection Plus Software” for Machining Centers. “Inspection Plus” is a totally integrated package of software that includes vector and angle measure options, print options and an extended range of cycles. This includes an SPC cycle, 1 or 2 touch probing option, tool offset compensation by percentage of error and output data stored in an accessible variable stack.
Cycles included comprise of:
- X or Y or Z single surface measure.
- Web/pocket measure.
4 point web / boss measure.
- 3 point bore / vector measure. (approach angles are specified for each point).
- Medición de agujero / vector en 3 puntos. (Se pueden especificar los ángulos de aproximación para cada punto).
- Angled web/pocket measure.
- Hole/web in PCD.
- 4th axis measure. (component, fixture or machine table can be compensated for alignment).
- Stock allowance (it measures a surface at several points to adapt the irregularities of the material.
- Multi-stylus calibration. (several stylus ball configurations can be calibrated and stored).
- Measurement of distance between elements.
- Angular XY surface.
- Statistical process control (SPC) macro for tool offset updates.
Capability also includes a “Inspection” software for Machining Centers. This sasic inspection/job set-up software contains the ability to set work offsets, update tool offsets and print inspection results. Due to the ease of use, this software is suitable for use by an operator or part programmer alike.
In addition, Fagor CNCs can work with Renishaw’s “CNC Reporter software”. This is a simple yet powerful tool for analyzing data and creating printable reports from data generated by the Fagor CNC and Renishaw’s inspection probing operation. The program provides measured feature dimensions, indicates whether these features are in or out of tolerance, and applies a ‘GO/NO-GO’ decision. The software allows the ability to collect data from over 250 parts within the same file and offers the possibility to customize the report template to suit your application needs. In addition, the reports are easily configurable in a Microsoft® Excel environment.
This new capability combined with the existing Fagor CNC 8060 and CNC 8065 Probing Canned cycle capability ensures customers have available to them a universal probing solution that provides the most advanced technological probing inspection capability available today.