TNB is a French company specialized in manufacturing CNC machines for machining soft materials. They have chosen Fagor Automation’s last generation 8065 CNC for developing their latest 5-axis machine.

Located in Clermont-Ferrand, TNB has enjoyed full support from Fagor Automation France for this first integration of the FAGOR CNC and their drive-motor system.
According to Mr. GOIGOUX, TNB’s sales manager: « We especially value the versatility and operating ease of this CNC. The end customer, a mold maker for scale models is very satisfied with this integration». The team from Fagor Automation France appreciates TNB’s professionalism and their capability to integrate the advanced features of the FAGOR CNC (such as 5-axis RTCP management, Gantry axes, part and tool probing, etc.) into their machine.
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